Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Am Here

How did my life get to age 39 (and 5 months)?
Here christian for 18 in an apartment...with my 2 girls (age 7 and 9)...with my second husband (just newlyweds of only 2 months)...very happy...but battling the mind...and freer than I've ever been. I'd like to share with anyone who cares listen how I've made it this far down the path....and still BELEIVING that God has GOOD plans for my life ahead...that isn't lonely, unfulfilling, and without meaning, love, and joy. I have HOPE...that my dreams will come true...HOPE that I will experience true love...HOPE that I will accomplish the things God has set out for me...HOPE that I will SURVIVE the battles to come as I have survived the past..HOPE that I will have PEACE in life no matter what thing comes my way...that brings the deepest JOY only one can experience WITH GOD. I DO struggle..almost DAILY...with my mind...the BATTLE, oh the has tried to destroy me and my loved ones...THANK YOU GOD... that we are on this path together...HERE...we are......


  1. Welcome Teena! I love your 1st post and hope to read many more!! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing with us Teena.
    Now you have to promise you will keep posting Hahahaha
    Love you lots

  3. Ha...I just posted another already!!!

  4. Oh Teena. That was beautiful. I am so glad that amidst the battles you can recognize the Hope. Thanks for sharing. love.

  5. I HOPE you all have HOPE that God has Good plans for you too....
